Thursday, September 18, 2008

Lena Pearl (Scholl) King - Granddaughter

Auxvasse Review
Thursday Morning, Aug. 31, 1916

Death of Mrs. J. Herbert King

Mrs. J. Herbert King passed away at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Scholl, five miles northeast of Auxvasse, Friday evening, August 25, at 6 o'clock.

Mrs. King had been in poor health th epast five years; and last spring she was taken to the hospital at Fulton where an operation was performed in the hopes that her health might be benefited. All hopes, however, were in vain, and as the weeks passed she grew worse and two days before her death sank into a stupor from which she never rallied.

Lura Scholl was born near Auxvasse May 28, 1880, and was married to J. Herbert King on July 19, 1905. They resided northeast of Auxvasse for several years, finally coming to Auxvasse. Just a week before her death she expressed a desire to go to the home of her parents, where she breathed her last.

At the age of sixteen years Mrs. King united with Liberty church. She was of a very modest, retiring disposition, gentle and kind to every one. Rev. Egan Herndon, who performed the marriage ceremony a few years ago, also presided at the funeral and gave the sorrowing relatives what comfort he could. Mrs. King is survived by a devoted husband, little daughter, father and mother, brother and sister, who have the sympathy of the entire community in their trying hour.

The funeral took place Sunday morning at Liberty church, and burial in the cemetery there. A large crowd of sorrowing friends and relatives attended to pay the last tribute of respect to the departed one.

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