Friday, October 24, 2008

Help!! Seeking Reese/Rees/Rice Hughes & Mary Polly Layne

Seeking the parents of Reese Hughes.

 Reese Hughes was born Abt. 1781 in Franklin County, VA, and died April 18, 1866 in Callaway County, MO. He married Mary Polly Layne August 05, 1801 in Franklin Co., VA, daughter of Ayres Layne and Mary Woodson. She was born September 05, 1776 in St. James Parish, Goochland, Virginia, and died May 23, 1848 in Callaway County, MO.

"...........He descended from English ancestors, and married Miss Catharine, daughter of Reese 
Hughes, a resident of Franklin County, and of the same neighborhood. He was of 
Irish parentage and a planter. The Hughes families were owners of large numbers 
of slaves and were of the staid old Virginia stock They left Virginia and 
located with their families in Callaway County, Missouri, in 1833, bringing 
their slaves with them, and continued the production of tobacco."

Reece Hughes, of Franklin county, Virginia, married Polly Lyon, and settled in Callaway county, Missouri, in 1834.  They had John, William, Elias, Robert, Armistead, Catharine, Polly, Lucy, Elizabeth, Sally, and two that died young.

Married by Sur. Joseph Greer. Franklin County, Virginia Marriage Bonds

1850 US Census shows Rees (age 69) living in District 12, Callaway Co., MO. Living in the household included:
Robt Blunkall age 12
Armsted Hughes age 27
Mary B. Hughes age 21
Rees Hughes age 69
William Hughes age 0
Sally A Wood age 10

Missouri Cenus of 1844 shows a Reese Hughes living in Auxvasse, allaway Co., MO

Virginia Cenus of 1820 shows a Reese Hughes in Franklin Co, VA

US General Land Office Records show a Reese Hughes on August 30, 1838 purchasing 80 acres in section 29, twp 49-N, range 7-w in Callaway Co., MO

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