Sunday, March 15, 2009

Scholl/Berry Items Needed

I am still seeking the following items:

1. Kyle Price Scholl Picture
2. Effie (Coil) Scholl Obituary & Picture
3. James Milton SCholl Obituary & Picture
4. Carrie F. (Christman) Scholl Obituary & Picture
5. Harry Elmer Scholl Obituary
6. Frank Dillard Scholl Obituary
7. Roena P. (Davidson) Scholl Obituary
8. John Berry Scholl Obituary & Picture
9. Estelle T. (Weaver) Obituary & Picture
10. Nolley Vest Scholl Obituary & Picture
11. Margaret G. (McCune) Scholl Obituary & Picture

If you have access to any of these items and are willing to share please get in contact with me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi I come from this line. but I am from the Harris/Berry Side of the family. But I would Love to learn more about this family... are you related?
William E. H. Patterson
b.1965 La Jolla, CA
301 Adams St Darlington, IN 47940
My gggrandparents were Harris/Berry.