Saturday, June 20, 2009

Diphtheria Claims Young Girl

Auxvasse Review
November 8, 1922
Diphtheria Claims Young Girl

Little Miss Dora Armstrong, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Armstrong, six miles east of Auxvasse, died Monday night of diphtheria. Funeral services were conducted Tuesday afternoon by Rev. E.B. Bartlett, of Middletown, and burial took palce in the Auxvasse cemetery, one mile south of twon.

Dora was born February 5th, 1919, and at the time of her death was three years, 9 months and 1 day old. She was a little lady of a most engaging personality and quickly endeared, herself to all with home she came in contact. She was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong.

To the heartbroken parents and other relatives, The Review wishes to extend its deepest sympathy and condolence.

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