Friday, June 26, 2009

Frank D. Scholl Sale

Fulton Gazette
February 17, 1916

F.D. Scholl Sale

The F. D. Scholl public sale near Youngers, last Thursday, was well attended and everything sold well. I, W. Holman, of Fulton, cried the sale, and H.A. Meyer, of Auxvasse, was the clerk. Stock sold as follows:

Bay mare, Isaac Oldham, $117; roan mare, S. H. Ashbury, $116; bay mare, Samuel Emory, $98; bay mare, Edward Fred, $70; sorrel mare, S.H. Huddleston, $45; bay mare, C. H. Williamson, $25; three-year-old bay horse, Mike Fisher, $61; bay horse colt, B.A. Tincher, $20; black colt, Owen Woolfolk, $28; sorrel colt, B.A.Tincher, $15; three-year-old horse mule, W.E. Gilmor, $69; black mare mule, W.E. Gilmor, $75; red cow, R.N. Christman, $27.50; Jersey calf, R.N. Christman, $25; four boars, T. J. Bates, $43; three red sows, T. J. Bates, $24.75; three red sows, O.E. Reynolds, $51.75; red sow, M. Mills, $20; red sow, H. Goldstein, $22.50.

Corn sold at from 52 to 66 cents a bushel and oats at 40 cents a bushel.

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