Friday, June 13, 2008

Jennie Lee (Berry) Scholl Obituary

Missouri Telegraph
November 28, 1913

Mrs. Joe Scholl Dead

Mrs. Joe Scholl of the Hatton neighborhood, died Saturday November 14, after an illness of six days of pneumonia. She had been a sufferer from asthma for twenty-eight years.

Mrs. Scholl was born August 30, 1864, at Reece River Valley, Nevada. Was married to Joseph Scholl September 28,1879. To this union six children were born - Kyle Price, James Milton, Harry Elmer, Frank Dillard, John Berry and Nolley Voss. Beside her husband and children, she leaves six grandchildren, a mother, Mrs. M.E. Houser, and brother, John Berry, both of Corvallis, Oregon, and two sisters Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Tounsends of Forth Benton, Montana.

The funeral was conducted by Elder Copher of Moberly, her six sons acting as pall bearers. The remains were laid to rest in Hickory Grove cemetery beside her relatives. She leaves a host of friends to mourn her death. - A Friend.

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