Saturday, June 14, 2008

Sarah Glenn (Hughes) Scholl

Montgomery Standard, Montgomery City, MO December 14, 1900

Mrs. Sarah Scholl, wife of Capt. Milton Scholl, was born in Va. in 1819. Came with her parents, a Mr. Hughes, to this state when quite young. She lived on the old homestead near High Point church Callaway county for over forty years. Was a member of the Christian church at Liberty , Callaway county for over fifty years. She was one of the best women I have ever known. From her lips fell no word of guile. No one can recall an instance of "Aunt Sallie" speaking one word against an individual. She was kind, hospitable and neighborly. Her home was a preacher's home. During her illness she was patient and only waited for the great summons.
She died at the good old age of 81 full of hope, "there remaineth a rest for the children of God". S.J. Copher

Deceased leaves six children, four boys, Joe, Reece, Milton and James, and Mrs. Henry Maughs and Mrs. Armstrong, all in Callaway except Mrs. Maughs. The funeral was preached at Liberty church Wednesday by Elder S.J. Copher of Moberly, after which the remains were interred at Liberty church yard.

November 30th, 1900. Unknown Newspaper

Mrs. Scholl, mother of Mrs. Henry Maughs of near Montgomery, died at her home in Callaway county near Shamrock, Wednesday morning. The burial took place yesterday after services by Elder S.J. Copher of Moberly. Deceased was about 83 years of age.

December 11, 1900, Missouri Telegraph
At her home in Shamrock township, this county, Wednesday, Dec. 6, 1900, Mrs. Sallie Scholl, aged 80 years. She was the widow of Milt. J. Scholl who was sheriff of this county in 1874. She leaves four grown sons and two daughters. Her remains were buried at Liberty church Thursday. She was an excellent woman and her death is deeply regretted by all who knew her.

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