Saturday, June 14, 2008

William T. Scholl & Ann Maria McCubbin

Auxvasse Review
Wednesday Afternoon, Dec 27, 1939
William T. Scholl
Died Christmas Day

William Thomas Scholl, one of the oldest residents of the Auxvasse community, passed away at his home in this city Monday afternoon, December 25. He had been in feeble health for some time.

Mr. Scholl was the son of Milton and Sarah Glenn Hughes Scholl, pioneers of Shamrock township, and was born on a farm, south of Shamrock on March 11, 1850. He grew to manhood in the neighborhood of his birth and spent his entire life as a citizen of North Callaway, except for a period of about two years spent in Arkansas, where he move with his family in a covered wagon in 1887.

Mr. Scholl is survived by his widow, who was Miss Maria Gertrude McCubbin, and two children, Charles B. Scholl and Miss Eva Scholl, both of home. Another son, Thomas, and a daughter, Mrs. Lura Pearl King, preceded him to the grave. He is also survived by one grandchild, Mrs. Otis Boyd, of Auxvasse. Mr. Scholl was the last surviving member of a family of seven children, and was the eldest son of the family.

The funeral and burial took place at Liberty Christian Church, northwest of Shamrock, at 2:00 o'clock this afternoon, the services being conducted by the Rev. A.F. Larson, of Fulton.

The Missouri Telegraph, Thursday September 13, 1951

Mrs. Maria Scholl Dies at Auxvasse
Callaway Native was 97 Years Old; Services Saturday

Mrs. Maria Scholl, native and life-long resident of CAllaway County, died about 6:50 o'clock Thursday night at her home in Auxvasse after a lengthy illness. She was 97 years old.

Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Auxvasse Christian Church of which she was a member. The Rev. A.F. Larson officiated and burial was in the Liberty Church Cemetery, north of Shamrock.

Born in Callaway County on March 31, 1854, she was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. T.L. McCubbin. Her husband, Will Scholl, died a number of years ago.

She had lived in Auxvasse for the past 30 years and before that had lived on a farm near Auxvasse.

Survivors include a daughter, Miss Eva Scholl, a son, Charlie, both of the home and one grandaughter, Mrs. Otis Boyd of Auxvasse.

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