Saturday, June 14, 2008

Milton Scholl & Carrie Cobb

Missouri Telegraph July 20, 1939
Milton Scholl Dies at Shamrock Home
Lifelong Resident of Northeast Callaway County
Burial Thursday

Milton Scholl, native born Callaway citizen and lifelong resident of the Shamrock community, passed away at his home near High Point Church at 3:30o'clock Tuesday afternoon after an illness of about six weeks. Mr. Scholl was born on a farm near High Point on October 14, 1859, and continued to reside on that place until 1909, when he and a brother purchased what is known as the Henry Nunnelly farm, where he had made his home for the past 30 years.

Mr. Scholl was the son of Captain Milton and Sarah Hughes Scholl, and was the youngest of a family of six children who lived to maturity. He was married to Miss Carrie Cobb, also fo the Shamrock community, who survives him, as do ten children, as follows:

Forest, of North Dakota; Mrs. John Colston, of Independence, Mo.; Dewey, of Wyoming, Mary, of Kansas City; Dennis and Milton Jr. of the home; Josephine, of Kansas City; and Irene, of St. Joseph, who are twins; Harris, of Fulton, and Dorothy Belle, of the State of California; William T. Scholl, of Auxvasse, is a brother, and the only surviving member of the family.

The funeral was held Thursday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock at Liberty Church, northwest of Shamrock, with services conducted by the Rev. W.A. Dameron, of Middletown, and burial was in the Liberty Cemetery.

Missouri Telegraph
May 7, 1953

Dies at Shamrock
Funeral Services Tentatively Set for Wednesday

Mrs. Carrie Scholl, life-long resident of Callaway County, died about 9:45 o'clock Monday morning at her home at Shamrock after an extended illness.

Funeral services were to be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Liberty Christian Church, north of Shamrock. The Rev. A.F. Larson will officiate and burial will be in the church cemetery.

Mrs. Scholl was born on February 15, 1872, the daughter of the late Francis and Martha Clement Cobb. Her husband, Milton Scholl, died in June, 1939.

Survivors include the following children: Forrest of Auxvasse; Mrs. Mattie Colston, Independence, Mo.; Dewey Scholl, Kansas City; Harris Scholl, Fulton; Dennis Scholl, Shamrock; Mrs. Mary Anthes, Kansas City; Misses Josephine and Irene Scholl, twins, whose present addresses could not be learned immediately; Mrs. Dorothy Bell Armol, Sacramento, Calif,: and Francis Milton Scholl of the home.

Also surviving are one brother, Edmund Cobb, and a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Brooks, both of Wellsville.

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