Saturday, June 14, 2008

Shelton Armstrong & Margaret Ann Scholl

Auxvasse Review
February 21, 1895

Shelton Armstrong died at his late residence, 2 miles east of Bachelor, Sunday evening of measles and pneumonia.

Fulton Weekly Telegraph
February 21, 1895

Died at his home near Bachelor, on Monday, February 18th, 1895, Shelton Armstrong. Burial at Liberty cemetery on Tuesday. Shelton Armstrong was comparatively a young man, one that was valuable to his community and held in highest repute by his neighbors. His father, John Armstrong is now confined to his bed with a sever case of Pneumonia; also a sister, one sister dying, but a short time since. This family has our sympathies in their trying afflictions.

Fulton Gazette
February 28, 1895


The cold icy hand of death has again visited this vicinity and the pleasant home of our neighbor, Shelton Armstrong, and borne him to the tomb to await the final resurrection. The deceased took the measles, from which he contracted cold and developed into that dreaded disease, pneumonia, from which he never rallied.

In the sudden demise of Mr. Armstrong the community loses a good citizen who will be greatly missed. The deceased was the oldest of seven children, 2 sons and 5 daughters; born to John and Virginia Armstrong. This family circle has formerly been broken by the death of two daughters, Laura and Mary; the latter's death preceded the subject of this sketch to the grave a few days.

Mr. Shelton was married to Miss Maggie Scholl on August 3, 1881. He was born September 30, 1856 and died February 10, 1895. Of this union there were three children born:Milton, aged 13 years; Johnie, 10 years; and little Willie, aged 19 months.

He was a kind father, a loving husband and a most excellent neighbor. He united with the Christian Church in the year 1888 under the able preaching of Elder T.J. Marlon. He died as he lived, trusting in the Lord. Before he died he was heard to utter the beautiful words, "The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord."

The remains were interred at Liberty church by the Masonic order, and many dropped a silent tear over the demise of a good man. Peace be to his dust. A friend.

Shamrock Resident Died Sunday Night
Mrs. Margaret Armstrong to be Buried at Liberty Church Tuesday

Mrs. Margaret Armstrong, 74 years old, died Sunday evening at 7:00 o'clock, at the home of her son, William Armstrong, in Shamrock. She had been ill for several weeks, her death being caused by the infirmities of age and complications.

Mrs. Armstrong died on her birthday, having been born December 13, 1857. She was a daughter of Captain and Mrs. William Scholl, and was born and reared on a farm southeast of Auxvasse, near High Point church. She was married to Shelton Armstrong, and they lived for many years on a farm two miles west of Bachelor. Mr. Armstrong died 31 years ago. The couple had three sons, two of whom, John, near Bachelor, and William, at Shamrock, are living, Another son, Milton, died three years ago. Mrs. Armstrong also is survived by three brothers: William Scholl Auxvasse; Reed and Mit. Scholl, Shamrock; two nephews, Hughes and Harris Maupin, of Auxvasse, and five grandchildren.

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