Saturday, August 22, 2009

Misc. Armstrong-Related Newspaper Clippings

Mexico Evening Ledger
June 25, 1948
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ray and sons, Farrell and Johnny Ray of Louisiana, MO., were Father’s day guests of Mrs. Ray’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong at their home in east Auxvasse.

Mexico Evening Ledger
April 22, 1949
Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong had as guests for supper Sunday evening – Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ray and two sons, Farrell and Johnny of Louisiana, Mo. Mrs. Ray is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong. Mrs. Armstrong’s mother, Mrs. Ellen Peters, was also present for the evening meal.

Mexico Ledger
October 6, 1973
THE 1930s REVISITED— Mr. and Mrs. Butler Armstrong of Mexico displayed their 1930 deluxe Ford coupe at Thursday's Hootenanny in Centralia. Members of the Mexico Antique Car Club provided an exhibit at the celebration and dance in downtown Centralia.

Mexico Ledger
August 3, 1976
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Roberts of Vandalia and Mr. .and Mrs. Butler Armstrong of Mexico attended the Ozark Antique Auto Show at the Drury Inn in Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts won first place for their 1915 costumes and placed first for their 1915 brass-trimmed Model T. Mr. Armstrong won first place in original costuming and Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong won a trophy on their 1930 Model A Coupe. The show was attended by people from five states.

Mexico Ledger
January 19, 1977
FIRE CALLS— Firemen of the Mexico Public Safety Department were, called to the Butler Armstrong residence at 919 W. Tuesday to extinguish a flue fire. There was no damage, firemen said.

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