Saturday, August 29, 2009

Misc. Newspaper Clippings

Mexico Evening Ledger

November 3, 1954

Mr. and Mrs. Glen Squires and Mrs. John Scholl attended an Antique show in Fulton Sunday.

The Bismarck Tribune

December 24, 1930

Neighbors of Syverson, who had hired a man to work on his farm while he was gone, became alarmed over the unexplained absence and Sheriff James Scholl of McHenry county was notified.

Daily Capital News

July 31, 1957

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scholl and children of Versailles came to the home of his parents, the Elmer

Scholls, Sunday morning enroute to Columbia where their infant child is a patient in University

Hospital. Mrs. Elmer Scholl accompanied them to Columbia Sunday afternoon.

Moberly Monitor-Index

March 15, 1960

James Scholls Mark Wedding Anniversary

CENTRALIA — Mr/ and Mr. Lyie Barnthouse and son entertained at dinner Sunday for her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Scholl, who were observing their 52nd wedding anniversarys, and to mark the birthdays of T. L. Cox and Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Cox. Other guests were Mrs. T. L. Cox and Stevie Cox

Mexico Evening Ledger

February 20, 1953

Harry Scholl will return to his home in. Pipestone, Minn., Saturday after a months visit here with

his brothers, Jim and John Scholl and their families.

Mexico Evening Ledger

February 17, 1953

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Scholl of this city and their guest, Harry Scholl of Pipestone, Minn., were in Auxvasse Sunday and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Scholl. Mr. Harry Scholl remained for a longer visit.

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